What is coaching?

There are a wide variety of styles of coaching so this answer will vary depending on which coach you ask.

My approach aligns closely with the overarching view of Coaching from the International Coaching Federation (ICF):

ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership

I come to all of my clients with a non-judgemental, empathetic, supportive and creative mindset. We all have the resources in us to make changes and coaching can help us identify those resources. The mind that holds the problem, also holds the solution - often the best one! I help my clients think for themselves rather than do the thinking for them.

Coaching is generally forward looking, with occasional glances to past events (if needed), only to help unlock and mobilise thought processes for the client.

What coaching isn’t

Coaching is different from therapy, counselling, mentoring and training.

Coaches should not provide answers, unless specifically agreed with the client. I am not the expert in my client’s life or work so I will not presume to be or respond as if I am.

A solution or goal that feels right for the coach might not be the right one for the client. Only the client knows what is right for them.

I do not push my clients to regularly explore past events in detail.